2019 Agenda

2019 Congress Agenda 

“Imagine the World, Lead the Way”

Session Activity Speaker Topic Title
Morning Session Opening Ceremony
Welcome Speech
Ms. Christine Yau,
PMI HK Chapter President
Message from Chair of Organising Committee Mr. Anthony Tsui,
Chair of Organising Committee
Session #1 (Guest of Honour) Dr. George Lam, BBS
Chairman, Cyberport
Responsible Professional Management in the Digital Era: Golden Opportunities in the Greater Bay Area
Session #2 Mr. Deniz Güven,
CEO, Standard Chartered Virtual Bank
The Brave New Bank
Session #3 Mr. David Davies,
Founder & CEO, AgUnity
Technology’s Role in Addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Coffee Break
Thank You to Sponsors
Session #4 Siti Rozianti
Chapter Partner – Asia Pacific, PMI
PMI HQ Update
Session #5 Prof CK Chan
Professor of Practice in Fintech, CUHK
Technology Adoption in Financial Services
Group Photos (All Delegates Photo)
Afternoon Session Performance 50th Anniversary Celebration
Session #6 Mr. Andrew Ling
Advisor to Management Board, OpenCertHub
Entreprise Strategy for Digital Transformation
Session #7 Ms. Akina Ho,
Head of Digital Transformation & Innovation,
Great Eagle Holdings Ltd
What should a Chief Digital Officer do to drive effective change?
Session #8 Dr. Andy Chun,
Director of Professional & Career Development, Convenor of AI Specialist Group,
Hong Kong Computer Society
Can Artificial Intelligence be Managed?
Coffee Break
Session #9 Ms. Zoe Wong,
Strategy & Operations Manager,
Treasury Wine Estates
Empowered – How to Successfully Bring Strategies to Life
Session #10 Mr. Albert Su,
Chief Executive, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
Go Beyond our Imagination – Exploration of Education Data Analysis
Lucky Draw
Closing Remarks Ms. Christine Yau,
PMI HK Chapter President