2020 Agenda

2020 Congress Agenda (As of 04 Dec 2020)

Start Time End Time Activity Speaker Photo Speaker Name Title Organisation Topic Title
09:00 09:10 Welcome from PMI HK President Ms. Christine Yau President PMI HK Chapter Welcome from President PMI HK Chapter
09:10 09:20 Foreword from Chair of Organising Committee Mr. Anthony Tsui Chair of Organising Committee,
Executive Vice President
PMI HK Chapter Foreword from Chair of Organising Committee
09:20 09:35 Session 1 : Guest of Honor Mr. Tony Wong, JP Deputy Government Chief Information Officer OGCIO “How Innovation and Technology Turn Crisis into Opportunity”
09:40 10:10 Session 2 Mr. Scott Ambler Vice President & Chief Scientist (Disciplined Agile) PMI “Preparing for Next Time : A Disciplined Agile Strategy”
10:15 10:45 Session 3 Dr. Ted Suen, MH Chief Information Officer MTR Corporation Ltd “Enjoy the Digital Lifestyle”
10:45 11:00 Morning Tea Break
11:00 11:30 Session 4 Dr. Paul Sin Partner, Consulting (Fintech & Blockchain) Deloitte Consulting “Blue Ocean Amid COVID-19 : SME Financing across Greater Bay Area”
11:35 12:05 Session 5 Mr. Frankie Lui Principal & Founder Atelier Global “Design in Between Public & Private”
12:10 12:40 Session 6 Mr. Samuel Fung Director (Marketing, Digital Customer Experience & Retail Lobby, Asia Pacific) Starbucks Coffee Asia Pacific “Elevating Customer Experience and Building Resilience for the future”
12:45 13:45 Lunch
13:50 14:20 Session 7 Mr. Alessio Quaglini Chief Executive Officer Hex Trust “How Banks are adopting digital assets and moving into DeFi”
14:25 14:55 Session 8 Mr. Eric Cheung Group Transformation Director Tricor Group “Managing Digital Transformation through COVID-19”
15:00 15:30 Session 9 Mr. David Daoud Managing Director e-learn2grow “Leveraging EdTech innovations to achieve your organisational growth amidst the crisis”
15:30 15:45 Afternoon Tea Break
15:45 16:15 Session 10 Dr. Natalie Loong Clinical Psychologist Central Minds Ltd. “The Way Forward Starting from Within Mental Health and Resilience”
16:20 16:50 Session 11 Mr. Andy Wong Head of Innovation & Technology InvestHK “Road to Recovery – by Leveraging Hong Kong’s unique advantages in innovation & technology development”
16:55 17:25 Session 12 Mr. Gert Verdonck Interim Director, Operations Support Unit, MSF HK Médecins Sans Frontières “Scale up the global emergency response in an adaptive and flexible approach”
17:25 17:30 Closing Remarks Ms. Christine Yau President PMI HK Chapter Closing Remarks